GAM – Add-ClassroomTeacherToStudentsClasses
Function to add a teacher as a co-teacher to all classrooms of a given student. Usage AD Objects with the SamAccountName parameter can also be piped to this function
Function to add a teacher as a co-teacher to all classrooms of a given student. Usage AD Objects with the SamAccountName parameter can also be piped to this function
For out students, we want a single image for their GSuite profile photos. Sadly there isn’t a way of preventing users from changing their photo, so we have to run a script regularly to remove any changes they may have made. #- Address of the group -# $groupAddress = “[email protected]” #- Read more…
Had a need to add all the users from a GSuite group as editors on a Google Calendar. The script reads and outputs the current ACLs, gets the members of the group and then adds them to the calendar giving them the appropriate permissions. At the end, it outputs the Read more…